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Steps allow to group activities at a logical level independently of the workflows, with interdependencies, skipped and forced replay, and much more.

They are implemented as S3 objects and SWF markers.

A step is defined mainly with: * a name * a submittable to run if not already done * an optional submittable to run otherwise * an optional list of step names depending on this step being run

It can emit a signal (that happens whether the step runs or is skipped) and have the same bubbles_exception_on_failure attribute as a group.

A step can be forced for several reasons: * at submission time, as determined by business logic * if it is a dependency of an executed step

A step can also be explicitly skipped, although the "force" logic takes precedence over the "skip" one.

Step names are hierarchical, using a dotted notation: forcing "a" will also force "a.b.c". "*" forces or skips everything.

Using Steps

Basic Example

A workflow using steps should derive from the WorkflowStepMixin mixin. One then submits either self.step or a Step:

from simpleflow import Workflow, activity, futures
from simpleflow.step.workflow import WorkflowStepMixin

@activity.with_attributes(task_list="example", version="example", idempotent=True)
def do_something():
    return "this is something"

class AWorkflow(Workflow, WorkflowStepMixin):
    # ...
    def run(self, **context):
        futures.wait(self.submit(self.step("something", do_something)))

The first time AWorkflow is executed, the step "something" is run; next time the workflow is executed, the step is skipped.

Creating a Step

The Step.__init__ method is called with: * step_name: str: step name * activities: Submittable | SubmittableContainer: what to execute (generally a chain or a group, thus the plural) * force: bool=False: whether to force a step even if previously played * activities_if_step_already_done: Submittable | SubmittableContainer | None=None: what to execute if the step is skipped * emit_signal: bool=False: whether to emit a signal.{step_name} signal sent after the step is played/skipped * force_steps_if_executed: list[str] | None=None: dependent steps to play next if this one isn’t skipped * bubbles_exception_on_failure: bool=False: flag applied to the chain encapsulating the step

The WorkflowStepMixin.step method delegates to Step.


A submitted step is executed in different phases: * get the list of done steps * create a chain * if we should run the step (not done or forced): * determine the step was force-run or not * add dependent steps to the forced steps list * add to the chain: * add a SWF marker logging the step as scheduled * run the step * mark the step as done * add a SWF marker logging the step as completed * otherwise: * determine whether the step was force-skipped or not * add to the chain: * run the alternative submittable ("activities_if_step_already_done") * add a SWF marker logging the step as skipped * if configured so, add to the chain a SWF signal named "step.{step_name}"

The chain is then submitted to the workflow.

Done steps are tracked by S3 objects. We only list them, their content is not used.


The WorkflowStepMixin class supports several customizations; see for instance examples.step.CustomizedStepWorkflow.

  • get_step_bucket(): return the bucket name, potentially with the region endpoint. Default: {SIMPLEFLOW_S3_HOST}/{STEP_BUCKET}
  • get_step_path_prefix(): return the steps path prefix. Default: {workflow_id}/steps
  • get_step_activity_params(): return supplemental activity parameters for GetStepsDoneTask and MarkStepDoneTask. A typical use is forcing a separate task list.