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SWF Object Layer

simpleflow includes a swf module that is an object-oriented wrapper for the boto.swf library, used to access the Amazon Simple Workflow service.

It aims to provide:

  • Modelisation: Swf entities and concepts are to be manipulated through Models and QuerySets (any ressemblance with the Django API would not be a coincidence).
  • High-level Events, History: A higher level of abstractions over SWF events and history. Events are implemented as stateful objects aware of their own state and possible transitions. History enhances the events flow description, and can be compiled to check its integrity and the activities statuses transitions.
  • Decisions: Stateful abstractions above the SWF decision making system.
  • Actors: SWF actors base implementation such as a Decider or an activity Worker from which the user can easily inherit to implement its own decision/processing model.



The informations in this "Settings" section may be outdated, they need some love.


  • region

Settings are found respectively in:

A credential file a .swf file in the user’s home directory:



The following environment variables - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - AWS_DEFAULT_REGION

If neither of the previous methods were used, you can still set the AWS credentials with swf.settings.set:

>>> import swf.settings
>>> swf.settings.set(aws_access_key_id="MYAWSACCESSKEYID",
...                  aws_secret_access_key="MYAWSSECRETACCESSKEY",
...                  region="REGION")
# And then you’re good to go...
>>> queryset = DomainQuery()
>>> queryset.all()
[Domain("test1"), Domain("test2")]

Leaving these AWS API keys unspecified is fine, as Boto’s credentials chain handler will discover them if present.

Example usage


Simple Workflow entities such as domains, workflow types, workflow executions and activity types are to be manipulated through swf using models. They are immutable swf objects representations providing an interface to objects attributes, local/remote objects synchronization and changes watch between these local and remote objects.

# Models reside in the swf.models module
>>> from swf.models import Domain, WorkflowType, WorkflowExecution, ActivityType

# Once imported you’re ready to create a local model instance
>>> D = Domain(

# a Domain model local instance has been created, but nothing has been
# sent to amazon. To do so, you have to save it.

Now you have a local Domain model object, and if no errors were raised, the save method have saved amazon-side. Sometimes you won’t be able to know if the model you’re manipulating has an upstream version: whether you’ve acquired it through a queryset, or the remote object has been deleted for example. Fortunately, models are shipped with a set of functions to make sure your local objects keep synced and consistent.

# Exists method lets you know if your model instance has an upstream version
>>> D.exists

# What if changes have been made to the remote object?
# synced  and changes methods help ensuring local and remote models
# are still synced and which changes have been made (in the case below
# nothing has changed)
>>> D.is_synced
>>> D.changes

What if your local object is out of sync? Models upstream method will fetch the remote version of your object and will build a new model instance using its attributes.

>>> D.is_synced
>>> D.changes
    Difference("status", "REGISTERED", "DEPRECATED")

# Let’s pull the upstream version
>>> D = D.upstream()
>>> D.is_synced
>>> D.changes


Models can be retrieved and instantiated via querysets. To continue over the django comparison, they’re behaving like django managers.

# As querying for models needs a valid connection to amazon service,
# Queryset objects cannot act as classmethods proxy and have to be instantiated;
# most of the time against a Domain model instance
>>> from swf.querysets import DomainQuerySet, WorkflowTypeQuerySet

# Domain querysets can be instantiated directly
>>> domain_qs = DomainQuerySet()
>>> workflow_domain = domain_qs.get("MyTestDomain")  # and specific model retieved via .get method
>>> workflow_qs = WorkflowTypeQuerySet(workflow_domain)  # queryset built against model instance example

>>> workflow_qs.all()
[WorkflowType("TestType1"), WorkflowType("TestType2"),]

>>> workflow_qs.filter(status=DEPRECATED)


(coming soon)


(coming soon)


(coming soon)


SWF workflows are based on a worker-decider pattern. Every actions in the flow is executed by a worker which runs supplied activity tasks. And every actions is the result of a decision taken by the decider reading the workflow events history and deciding what to do next. In order to ease the development of such workers and decider, swf exposes base classes for them located in the swf.actors submodule.

  • An Actor must basically implement a start and stop method and can actually inherits from whatever runtime implementation you need: thread, gevent, multiprocess...
class Actor(ConnectedSWFObject):
    def __init__(self, domain, task_list)
    def start(self):
    def stop(self):
  • Decider base class implements the core functionality of a swf decider: polling for decisions tasks, and sending back a decision task copleted decision. Every other special needs implementations are left up to the user.
class Decider(Actor):
    def __init__(self, domain, task_list)
    def complete(self, task_token, decisions=None, execution_context=None)
    def poll(self, task_list=None, identity=None, maximum_page_size=None)
  • Worker base class implements the core functionality of a swf worker whoes role is to process activity tasks. It is basically able to poll for new activity tasks to process, send back a heartbeat to SWF service in order to let it know it hasn’t failed or crashed, and to complete, fail or cancel the activity task it’s processing.
class ActivityWorker(Actor):
    def __init__(self, domain, task_list)
    def cancel(self, task_token, details=None)
    def complete(self, task_token, result=None)
    def fail(self, task_token, details=None, reason=None)
    def heartbeat(self, task_token, details=None)
    def poll(self, task_list=None, **kwargs)