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Task Lists

Task lists are often used to route different tasks to specific groups of workers. The decider and activity task lists are distinct, even if they have the same name.

For SWF activities, the task list is typically specified with @activity.with_attributes:

from simpleflow import activity

@activity.with_attributes(task_list="quickstart", version="example")
def double(x):
    return x * 2

Dynamic task lists are possible:

from simpleflow import activity, Workflow

def run_on(func, task_list, **kwargs):
    return activity.with_attributes(task_list=task_list, **kwargs)(func)

def double(x):
    return x * 2

class MyWorkflow(Workflow):

    def run(self, x, task_list, *args, **kwargs):
        result = self.submit(run_on(double, task_list), x).result
        print(f"Result: {result}")
[screen0]$ simpleflow decider.start examples.dyn_task_list.BasicWorkflow --task-list foo-decider
[screen1]$ simpleflow worker.start --task-list foo-worker
[screen2]$ simpleflow workflow.start examples.dyn_task_list.BasicWorkflow --task-list foo-decider --input '{"args": [3, "foo-worker"]}'

For SWF workflows, a static task list is usually defined as a class variable in the Workflow subclass. Dynamic task lists are implemented by a get_task_list class method:

from simpleflow import Workflow

class MyWorkflow(Workflow):

    def get_task_list(cls, task_list, *args, **kwargs):
        return task_list

    def run(self, x, task_list, *args, **kwargs):

In this example, task_list is a mandatory workflow argument; a more realistic case would use a kwarg.